Front of Gallery

Fifty Artists and Makers

Dresser in Extended Area

Homely Relaxation

Centre Stage






Bronze Sculptures

Landscape Photography


One of a Kind




Metal Art

Plaster Paintings

Wildlife Photography

Gift Wrap

Clare Rizzo

Clare moved from Kent to the Suffolk Coast 18 years ago.  Coming from the land of towering white cliffs and blue sea, Suffolk was a whole new experience.  As she explored, she painted.

The sea here seemed to permeate the land with its various rivers.  The gentle undulations of the country allowing for the vast blue skies.  The whole, a blue and green watery landscape, beloved by sailors and punctuated by boats.  A scene of estuaries, reed beds and mud flats brought alive by the cry of waterfowl. 

Clare spent lazy hours with her young family in the quintessential English seaside towns, aglow with the bright colours of beach huts, buckets and spades. Then exploring stretches of heathland, which give rise to a beautiful purple haze of heather, vibrant for a brief summer window.  There is a great deal here to feed the soul.

Some of her painted scenes will be quite familiar, others out of the way places, or perhaps capturing a moment, from an unusual viewpoint.  She has succumbed to the beautiful blues and greens, which have a unique vibrancy and depth.  Used less generously are the warm pinks and purples, which can bring a scene alive.

Over time and practise Clare believes she paints more freely, allowing the different pigments to mix on the watercolour paper and do their own thing and then she might use ink spontaneously at the end of a painting.  Or occasionally, if the mood takes her, she works in a more measured way when ink or pencil may be used to bring a structure from the start.

Clare hopes she has captured something of the essence of this unique and largely unspoiled part of East Anglia.

In this general catalogue we publish just a few examples of Clare's work, with most of the exhibits currently available being shown in our website shop.  If you live close by, or are on holiday in the area, do visit the Gallery itself where you should enjoy a relaxed browse through our East Anglian Artists' creations

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